About Phil

A realistic artist, who believes in fine art, with a strong sense of romanticism – not contemporary or modern art, neither following the decorative artistic trend so freely available in the galleries.

His art is different! A discovery of greatness - beauty – light. "I've chosen realism as a way to express my thoughts, observation and imagination. Exploring the feeling and appearance of the subject in a romantic way."

He paints what he sees. The observer, 'seeing' with a clear vision of reality. Capturing every day scenes of life in a human setting with a strong affinity to people, figures, transformed in a play of light and shadow. Capturing the action and romanticizing life with all its diversities.

There is no need for a translator when it comes to brilliant brush strokes and powerful compositions. The uniqueness of using transparent layers of paint in acrylics and oils creates a sense of depth and mood. The use of the texture of the canvas forms a distinctive and intrinsic part of his work. This is seldom observed in art galleries.

Phil Davel, a professional South African artist, born in 1975, painted under Irma Filter while obtaining a B.Com and later an LLB degree. Working in the professional working environment however didn't satisfy the deep longing and need to create. His passion has always been and remains art.

Phil says: "Personally I have always been wary of studying a formal art degree as I have spontaneously relied on my own unique interpretations and observations."

He is inspired by old masters like Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh and recent artists Jack Vetteriano, Chinese guy, Robert Wade, Arne Westermann, Al Stine and Alex Powers. He mentions South African artists Adriaan Boshoff, Marie-Vermeulen Breedt and Jaco van Schalkwyk as well.

In the light of his professionalism and uniqueness in style he is elevated into the genre of South African investment artists. His art is convincing, original, unique and strong!